Boardgame: Terraforming Mars
So here's my second post about my main hobby.
My wife got me this game for Father's Day, and she's had more fun with it than either of us could've imagined. Terraforming Mars is one of the more complex games I've played. It's rated at twelve years and older, for one to five players. Most people say it's best with three players, but it's good with anywhere from one to four. I've played with four, and it's great, although most of the games I've played are between just my wife and I. It takes about two hours to play, which isn't too bad. It's a "weeknight game," something you can break out most nights, so long as you get it out at a time when you can get it out before you really need to get to bed.
Terraforming Mars is what's called an "engine builder." You start out with a corporation with a unique ability—e.g. Ecoline starts with two plant production and has greenery discounts, whereas Thorgate starts with one energy production and has energy discounts, etc. Throughout the game, you play cards from your hand to increase your points (which affects your money), your bonus money production, steel, titanium, plant, energy, and heat production. All of these will help you accomplish your goals of earning the most points by increasing the temperature, oxygen, and oceans on Mars to make it habitable.
You start with an empty board, like this. Nothing there. Throughout the game, you'll put down nine oceans, a bunch of cities, forests, mines, maybe a volcano. Maybe you'll nuke the surface. Maybe you'll set out an animal refuge or cordon off an area to preserve the natural Martian landscape. It gets really intricate. By the time you're done, the board looks something like this.
So I mentioned that my wife and I have played this a lot. I like to keep track of my stats on BoardGameGeek, and so far we've played it 40 times. Since the end of July. That's 30 more times than any other game in my collection. And I have over 100 others. Needless to say, I'm trying to get other games to the table, but she won't hear of it. I think she's got an addiction. Of course, it could also be that she's beaten me 2/3 times. Maybe she just really likes winning. If that's the case, I can't really blame her. But still, 40 times in less than four months seems like a lot to me. Before she got students again, we played literally every day. I need to sleeve the cards now, though. They're starting to wear out...
But who am I to complain? I get to play games.
Thanks for wreading!

Terraforming Mars is what's called an "engine builder." You start out with a corporation with a unique ability—e.g. Ecoline starts with two plant production and has greenery discounts, whereas Thorgate starts with one energy production and has energy discounts, etc. Throughout the game, you play cards from your hand to increase your points (which affects your money), your bonus money production, steel, titanium, plant, energy, and heat production. All of these will help you accomplish your goals of earning the most points by increasing the temperature, oxygen, and oceans on Mars to make it habitable.
So I mentioned that my wife and I have played this a lot. I like to keep track of my stats on BoardGameGeek, and so far we've played it 40 times. Since the end of July. That's 30 more times than any other game in my collection. And I have over 100 others. Needless to say, I'm trying to get other games to the table, but she won't hear of it. I think she's got an addiction. Of course, it could also be that she's beaten me 2/3 times. Maybe she just really likes winning. If that's the case, I can't really blame her. But still, 40 times in less than four months seems like a lot to me. Before she got students again, we played literally every day. I need to sleeve the cards now, though. They're starting to wear out...
But who am I to complain? I get to play games.
Thanks for wreading!
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