Announcement! Upcoming podcast and original fiction

Well, the title should make today's subject obvious, but here we go.

I'm starting a podcast. It will be called Yokai, and I'm recording it using Podbean. I'm trying to figure out all the publishing issues when it comes to iTunes and other RSS feed subscription software/podcatchers.

So far, I've only got episode zero recorded, unedited for the most part. But, I'm going to get moving on more episodes before I start publishing the recordings, mainly so I don't run into long breaks. I'm planning on releasing one per month, but I may change the schedule if needed, depending on how long it takes me to write and polish each piece of original fiction.

As to the writing, I will not be using original fiction for every episode. Some of the stories are based on old legends, which are popular and have been re-told in a similar form forever. I won't be messing with those. But when there is little to go on, I will be filling in some gaps and creating things to add my own spin on things.

So, what will Yokai be about?

Well, I'm glad you asked.

Yokai is the Japanese word for a ghost/spirit/monster/supernatural thing given physical form. They can be horrific and terrifying, funny, or just bizarre. I believe I've mentioned my connections to Japan in the past, and I'll be trying to draw as much on my experiences to make each story as authentically Japanese as I can. As much as a white guy in Utah can, anyway.

So, that's the news! I'll be posting updates with my normal posts until I publish Episode Zero, and then the podcast news will be filed away under dedicated posts or within the podcast post itself. If all goes well and the reception is good, I might actually further polish and publish the collections of fiction in an electronic format, but that's going to be off in the future sometime.

Until next week, have a good one. And as always, thanks for wreading!



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