Thinking Ahead

I know it's hard to think too far ahead when things are crazy in life. Trust me. If you read my post from last week and look at the gaps in my releases before that, you know what I'm talking about. Life gets in the way, and all sorts of crap can happen to prevent you from doing what you love and really need to do. Write. So the one thing we can really do to keep going is plan ahead and pray for the best, right?

I'll admit, this doesn't work all that well for me. Since I'm a house-dad, I'm always torn in a bajillion different directions at the same time. Beyond that, I've got a time restriction (now) on the time that I have to do things I have to do while the kids are at school. My daughter is in kindergarten, so that only leaves me a few hours for a workout, maybe some housework and writing if I have a few minutes to spare. So what I have to do each day is play it by ear and see when I can work. Again, if you read last week's post, I mentioned that it doesn't always work out the way it should...

But on the positive side, if you can set aside a certain amount of time each day (or a total number of hours each week), more power to you. You're going to be able to get through a lot more material than someone like me, who has to fly by the seat of my pants. Structure lends itself well to accomplishment, and I admire you for it.

However, there is a downside as I see it. What happens if you miss a day? If you're mostly unstructured like me, it might turn into a downward slide, sure. But if you're a highly structured person who's used to having four hours each day to sit and work, you're going to be more likely to have a bad day when you can't get that fix. It's like a drug in that way, I suppose.

So there we have it. I know it's not as in-depth as I usually get into a topic, but I hope it's helpful. But as always, I want your feedback. Are you really structured, or do you generally just write whenever the chance presents itself?

Thanks for wreading!


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